Miriam Smolover LMFT, REAT Oakland Holistic Therapy

Consultation & Supervision
As a therapist with many years of experience and having been the clinical director of a staff of over 20 supervisors of trainees and interns, I have much knowledge and wisdom to share. I delight in being able to provide consultation to therapists who are anywhere on the continuum of experience, from those who are just getting started to those as seasoned as I.
I am a CAMFT Certified Supervisor and I have provided the required year of consultation to many supervisors who are obtaining this certification.
In addition to exploring practical clinical steps to take, my approach includes focusing on the interrelationship between the therapist and client or supervisor and supervisee, utilizing countertransference as one of the lenses to understand what is happening. In this way, the consultee’s professional and personal growth are maximized. I help consultees access their somatic experience of sitting with their supervisees as a way to deepen their understanding.
- Please refer to the Integrative Approach and Professional Background sections to see the areas in which I can provide consultation.
Miriam Smolover, LMFT, REAT, offers therapy and consultation to people in Oakland, CA, as well as Berkeley, San Francisco, and Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Specialties include resolving anxiety, stress, trauma, and creative blocks. She enjoys helping couples create greater intimacy. Her holistic approach integrates somatics, mindfulness, and cognitive and emotionally centered attention for desired changes.