Miriam Smolover LMFT, REAT Oakland Holistic Therapy

The Story & Symbolism of My Logo
The Story
Many years ago, when I was creating publicity for my work for the very first time, my friend who was helping me asked, “So, what’s your logo?” I was stumped; I hadn’t even considered such a thing. As I fooled around with paper and pen, an image returned to me from my childhood. I recalled a symbol I had made up that I would draw over and over again. I became excited as I realized that that image from my subconscious had a powerful meaning for my work.
The Symbols
As a child, I had started with the letter ‘M’ for my name. As I drew four M’s linked together at their bases and connected at the top, I realized I had created a moving symbol. Looking at it from one perspective, the M’s are prominent. Looking at the symbol from a different orientation, you can see triangular flaps that are opening up. As the eye focuses on one, then the other, the symbol appears to be in motion. To me, this represents the energy of life unfolding, a moving process which my therapy is designed to encourage.
The M’s reach out in four directions. This invokes a symbol found in many world cultures, where the energies of the four elements which comprise life–Earth, Air, Fire and Water— are united.
At the center is a light burst. This represents the energy which is the source of all life and is at the core of every person. Therapy is a way of accessing and allowing that energy to flow freely.
Surrounding and containing it all is a circle. This represents both the wholeness of the psyche and the safe setting of the therapeutic relationship.
The color of the logo, or the background when the logo is white, is the shade of blue associated with the throat chakra. Chakras are energy centers within the body. The energy of the throat chakra is about both speaking truthfully and creative expression. In my therapy, clients learn to speak their truth with increasing self-awareness and bravery. The use of expressive arts encourages each person’s innate creativity to flourish.
Miriam Smolover, LMFT, REAT, offers therapy and consultation to people in Oakland, CA, as well as Berkeley, San Francisco, and Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Specialties include resolving anxiety, stress, trauma, and creative blocks. She enjoys helping couples create greater intimacy. Her holistic approach integrates somatics, mindfulness, and cognitive and emotionally centered attention for desired changes.